Wild Iris strives to carry the best gear and apparel in the outdoor industry. If you have purchased something from Wild Iris Mountain Sports that has a factory defect or doesn’t hold up for its intended use, we will be happy to assist you in the warranty process. To initiate a warranty, bring your freshly laundered item to the shop with a copy of the receipt. We will collect some information from you such as date of purchase, details of use, product defect, and contact information. We will take it from here and facilitate the warranty with the vendor! Claim times vary anywhere from 2 weeks - 6 months depending on the vendor and their assessment of the item. Please note Wild Iris is not able to replace any product from our current inventory.

If you are not in Lander and need assistance with a return or warranty, contact us via email at wildiris@wildirisclimbing.com and we will get you taken care of.